When it comes to investing in bronze, my top three works would be by Auguste Rodin, Rembrandt Bugatti and François Pompon. All three sculptors are well known and have had recent museum shows – essential for an increase in awareness, which in turn has a positive effect on price.

For Rodin’s wonderful Jean d’Aire, we can chart an auction increase over the past 15 years from $50,000 to $500,000. This tenfold increase is partly owing to a reliable authentication service appearing for Rodin’s work in 2007. This is another important factor in buying any major work: expertise adds value.

Sladmore first sold an example of Bugatti’s sublime Walking Panther in 1969 for £1,800. My first sale of this model in 1982 realised £25,000 and today a fine-quality example would go for more than £400,000. Here, an iconic work from the leading artist in his genre, featured in recent museum shows and books, has provided almost a 16-fold increase in 30 years. A similar return would have been made for Pompon’s marble Polar Bear.

When buying art purely for pleasure, what you like is important, but finding a trustworthy advisor is essential. There is plenty of information online but help will be required to analyse what it all means.

As a principal dealer I am prepared to invest in my own stock. I am also secure in the knowledge that my most loyal clients have made far more than me. Perhaps I should close my doors and hang on to everything.

For more information: sladmore.com