What would you buy if money is no object? 

We've received many answers to this question, ranging from private islands to vintage cars to ending world hunger. However the answer supplied by Irish actor Laurence O'Fuarain might be our favourite to date. 

"I’d like to buy everyone in my generation house to live in,"  says O'Fuarain. "But the one stipulation is they would have to have a picture of me on the wall somewhere in their home.

"I’m sure I’d end up in most people’s bathrooms but that’s okay!"

In exchange for a house, you'd hope the Witcher: Blood Origin star would have pride of place in the living room. 

Read on for an extremely entertaining interview with an extremely charming man. 


What upcoming project(s) are you most excited about? 

Apart from The Witcher: Blood Origin, I’ve just shot a feature film for Lionsgate in Sofia, called Creepers which I’m really excited about. I think everyone should visit Bulgaria at least once in their lifetime!

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

Learning to ride a horse properly would be one – they are incredible animals. They let you ride them, not the other way around. They are in charge not you. There is something extremely cool about that, but also kind of terrifying…!

If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be?

I’ve been lucky enough for this job to take me around the globe but I feel very embarrassed when I meet people from other countries that are bilingual.

It’s crazy and a little sad that a lot of us in English speaking countries don’t have more of an interest in learning another language. So if I could change something it would be that I would speak more than just English.

Laurence O'Fuarain

What do you hope to achieve that you haven’t yet?

In my career so far, I have been baptised in fantasy. My first ever role on a professional films set was Game of Thrones and I find in fantasy that the story is very easy to escape into.

It’s something I adore about being Irish that stories and tales are very important to us and we have a rich history in mythology but unfortunately we don’t see a lot of Irish fantasy on our screens.

We haven’t had a lot of opportunity to tell these stories and that’s something I’d love to change at some stage.

Outside of your family, who is / was your biggest inspiration?

I take inspiration from different characters that I meet day to day and I’ve always found people fascinating and interesting. I will never understand how billions of people past and present can all be so different and yet still so very much the same.

I’ve worked a lot of odd jobs in the course of my career and met a lot of weird and wonderful people along the way. There are people out there that really suffer, but still managed to come to work with a smile on the face and you would never have a clue. Those type of people are inspiring to me.

Tell us something nobody knows about you… 

I’m Batman. 

Laurence O'Fuarain


What’s your favourite item of clothing – and what does it mean to you? 

I was a doorman for a luxury department store a few years back and the days where long and the Irish weather was cold and wet.

I used to have to wear a top hat as part of my uniform and that hat has been with me through some tough days, so I like to keep it close just to always remind me not to get too ahead of myself.

Favourite accessory – watch / jewellery / etc – and why is it special to you? 

My mother bought me a silver Calvin Klein watch for my birthday years ago and I’ve had it for so long that I’ve managed to sneak it into a few jobs and use it as the character’s watch.

I’ve also snuck it onto a few fashion shoots so I think it’s had more screen time than me. I’m going to have to put it into a vault soon because I hope I never lose it.

What's been your most embarrassing style fail? An outfit or item you now regret wearing? 

When I was younger we had to wear uniform to school and one day I woke up late and in a panic. I reached for a white shirt, well what I thought was a white shirt, and ran for the bus.

When I arrived at my all-boys school, I was quickly informed that that wasn’t a shirt but my sister’s blouse. Which now, would be considered pretty fashionable but then, was not.

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Is there an item you threw away – or lost – that you really miss?

I’ve started the tradition of buying a pair of sunglasses for each job I book. I recently bought a pair of Oliver Peoples sunglasses and I left them in Sofia.

To say I’m devastated would be an understatement. There’s someone walking around that city with a massive smile on their face.

What’s next on your shopping list?

There's a company from the States I love called Oro Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing so I think I’ll have to pop over there to buy a few bits. I’m thinking maybe a pair of Beige Marini combat boots.

What would you buy if money was no object?

In Ireland my generation has been hit hard and are finding it extremely tough to get a house or to rent one. A lot of us are living with our parents into our late 20s and early 30s and even later. That was very much a reality for me, only a year or two ago.

If money was no object to me, I’d like to buy everyone in my generation a house to live in. But the one stipulation is they would have to have a picture of me on the wall somewhere in their home.

I’m sure I’d end up in most people’s bathrooms but that’s okay!

Catch The Witcher: Blood Origin on Netflix now